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The kid’s holidays are here and the supermarket shelves are flooded with chocolate eggs. It can mean only one thing – Easter.

The temptation around Easter is high. We have a long weekend ahead of us and a mountain of chocolate to tackle. So, how do we fight it? How do we stay in a somewhat healthy and fit routine over the Easter holidays? Here are my top tips:


Don’t Go Hungry

Sounds like a weird tip right? But wait, I’m not telling you to sit on your bed and stuff your face with chocolate, while watching reruns of Friends. What I mean here is, make sure you are having a healthy breakfast and not missing meals during the day.

I know Easter can be hectic with the kids off school, but if you start skipping meals, you will find yourself more open to temptation – and that temptation is in the form of a chocolate egg!  Keep up your diet plan and you are far less likely to overindulge.


It’s not all about Chocolate eggs!

Easter treats don’t have to be all about chocolate and cakes, people. You can celebrate Easter by giving different gifts, too. If you have kids, you could also help unleash their creativity and make your own gifts, or get them moving with a fitness gift, like a skipping rope or football set for instance. Summer is coming up, so garden activities will be perfect for the following months ahead.

Plus, it will keep you away from eating the leftover Easter eggs!


Make Exercise part of the fun!

The days are getting much warmer, which means it’s the perfect time to get outside and have some fun.

Weekend walks are great for the whole family and will allow you to get that cardio boost in. If you want to add some extra fun into it, then maybe have a look for some Easter egg hunts nearby, or just go on a nice walk around a historical site.

There are many events and activities over Easter, which will allow both you and the family to get out there and active!


Are you ready to get in shape for Summer?

Also, don’t forget – I have a number of PT spots available over Spring/Summer, so if you have an event coming up or just want to look your absolute best over Summer, click here and we can discuss how I can help you reach them goals!

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